What’s the state of IT modernization and digital transformation? What are organizations seeing in payback from those investments? How are businesses innovating for the future – and what challenges do they face?
Those questions and many others are answered in a new Boomi global survey of more than 1,200 business and IT decision makers.
“The State of Modernization, Transformation, and Innovation in the Digital Age” is based on a survey conducted for Boomi by the IT research firm Vanson Bourne that spans 19 countries of North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
We’ve packaged up the highlights of the report in an infographic that offers insights into how business and IT are evolving in this new digital age. The infographic provides a handy summary of insights from study, including quantified benefits that organizations are capturing:
The Boomi business and IT report also delves into priorities for technology investments, finding that organizations are focused on cloud systems that deliver greater speed, agility, and cost-effectiveness than the legacy on-premises technology of the past.
Those fast, flexible technologies are instrumental in helping organizations address challenges on the journey to modernization, transformation, and innovation.
Technology and business priorities are converging as organizations address challenges in the areas of budget, IT skills, and data utilization. Our study suggests that cloud and data technologies are instrumental as organizations build on success and zero in on challenges:
View the full infographic below.
Don’t miss the full “The State of Modernization, Transformation, and Innovation in the Digital Age” report – including 5 key recommendations for success from Boomi experts. Get your copy here.