Communities require timely and accurate information, never more so than during uncertain times.
That need is being met by Answers on Demand, a free frequently asked questions (FAQ) chatbot from Boomi. It is being used by a fast-growing number of nonprofits, schools, universities, healthcare organizations, small businesses, and local cities.
This simple yet powerful tool can be set up on your website in minutes — no technical skills required. Just visit, log in with Gmail credentials, and create a searchable FAQ of common questions that your organizations fields.
For example, healthcare organizations and schools can provide pop-up answers to such questions and keywords as “what is telehealth,” “will graduation ceremonies be held this year,” “what should I do if I feel sick?” or simply “COVID-19.”
The tool frees your staffers from responding to an influx of phone calls and emails so they can focus on other critical tasks. Meanwhile, you provide your community members with the vital information they need as we all adapt in today’s challenging environment.
The short video below provides a high level overview of the Answers on Demand service:
At Weitzman Institute, ‘Information is Critical’
More than 150 organizations are using Answers on Demand since we launched the tool on April 6 as part of our “Boomi for Good” initiative. They’ve been able to quickly set up hundreds of questions and answers that pay off with time-savings and responsive community service in the near term and well into the future.
And note — if you do need some help in setting up your Answers on Demand Q&A bots, a team of Boomi volunteers is happy to assist.
A great example of an organization taking a lead with Answers on Demand is the Weitzman Institute, a national nonprofit dedicated to research and innovation in primary care, with emphasis on the medically underserved. With a presence in 50 states, Weitzman Institute offers a telehealth platform called ConferMED and is sharing safety-net best practices with health centers across the country on combating COVID-19.
“Answers on Demand was easy to implement, get up and running, and edit,” says April Joy Damian, Weitzman Institute associate director. “You need your healthcare workforce to be stronger than ever right now, and information is critical in this race against the clock.”
Other organizations are benefiting with Answers on Demand as well. A school district in Virginia had more than 50 questions addressed in a searchable FAQ. A women’s shelter that has recently seen inquiries surge 15X is hoping the solution will help address its #1 question, from women who are in abusive relationships but aren’t free to leave because of shelter-in-place orders.
And a non-profit in Texas has already seen a decrease in its volume of phone and email questions with Answers on Demand. They can focus attention on ensuring that people with disabilities are not deprioritized in overcrowded hospitals.
Answers on Demand is the result of Boomi brainstorming sessions on how we could use our technology to create innovative solutions that help transform lives. Our team came up with more than 100 ideas in just 24 hours, with Answers on Demand emerging as a fast and practical tool that could make a big impact.
Answers on Demand will continue evolving — and we’re looking for your feedback on new features and functionality that would be most valuable. You’ll find a feedback link at the bottom of the Boomi for Good page, or you can access it directly here.
By empowering their communities with information, organizations can raise collective awareness and make a bigger difference in the world.
Get started using Answers on Demand at Follow the simple step-by-step instructions, build out your FAQ chatbot, and push it live to your website.